Hello, I'm Kelly
I'm here to help people step into a more creative life. I'm here to spark your inspiration, fuel your amazing life energy and re-wild you with art. I create lovely freebies and great offers to empower you to discover a life of more joy and fulfilment through your own creativity.
I call this creative living.
My three power sources are creativity, nature and magic. Let me explain why... I champion creativity because I believe it will help us save the world. I connect to nature to feel alive and experience awe. I tap into the magic of our world to feel the source and feed my soul.
I want to share all of this with you.
You will also find me at: Bullclough Art School, Virtual Art Summit, Art Is Magic, Flourish with Nicola Newman and Banks Mill Studios, Pecha Kucha International and Creative Mornings.

I didn't live in a house until I was eight when I went to boarding school. I grew up on the travelling fair, from a long line of Showmen and with Romany & Irish Traveller heritage too. It was a real challenge for me to settle down into school life and I still feel the pull of the road even now.
As I grew up I did all the typical things society expects of us; built a career, got married, had kids, and yet, as I turned 40, I found myself divorced and in a big corporate job, wondering how I had ended up there.
Where was the magic, the wonder and the freedom? Why did my achievements feel soulless? Where had my true self disappeared to? And so I started to bring more nature and creativity into my life and what unfolded was pure magic.
Nature and creativity were transformative for me. Layering that with wide-eyed wonder and a curiosity for the mythical, my life became joyful, more free, more meaningful.
I'd love to come along on your creative living journey too.